Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crit of the Critic

Here is Candy Depew's response to Christine's review of her show.

cee cee said...

Hello there!

Just read this and thank you for your "review" of my work! Feel free to check out my past 10 years of exhibitions to notice my enduring themes of the skull, diamonds, leaves and sparkles; in particular the exhibition at the Physick House, "between worlds....". I am positive all will help you in your appreciation of my installation work and your writing.

thank you for reading and I look forward to meeting you in person in the future!

You will note, especially if delving a tiny bit deeper into the exhibitoin beyond surface layers that you write of, that motifs are recurring and have become a language far earlier than the recent ed hardy trend of the last 2 or so years.

Most of the ceramic work was made in the land of the dutch still life at the European Ceramic Work Center, from special materials only available there and are highly specialized. If interested in ceramics at all, one would be able easily to appreciate the skill necessary to create such pieces as those arranged so carefully for presentation at the Art Alliance.

I look forward to your art viewing/reviewing skills growing and developing greatly and any further analysis of my work. Feel free to share it with me directly. Hopefully it will be astute and on point and can be something that can be shared with my every growing network.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Oh, and...

I've been looking forward to this show a lot. Pray I am not disappointed...

Final class meeting

Tomorrow we'll hear your final presentations. We've been given room 833 in Terra for class, so let's meet there (although I strongly discourage you from using the Internet to make your presentation; it's not always accessible in conferences).

I would like to cluster presentations on Craft at the beginning of class. Jessica Cohen, Andy Heisey, Sean Mattio. Next we'll move on to papers that move around issue of history and memory, and hear from Christine Colby and Renee Cortese. After that the program can open up as I think there are no more overlaps.

I will be very firm about the 10-minute time limit. You need practice being well-rehearsed and I need practice (for a panel I am chairing this fall) moving the program along. I will have a timer. I will give a signal at 9 minutes. I will ask you to finish your sentence and sit down at 10 minutes. Questions will be addressed between presentations as the next presenter sets up.

If you're going to use your laptop do not expect there to be any adapters for the VGA cable in the room. Bring your own adapters. Because this is a 'smart' classroom, I assume you can move your presentation from your computer to the room's computer, but compatibility may be an issue. You may need a flash drive to do so (I will collect your scripts or digital copies of your presentations to review for comment).

Finally, I will be taking notes throughout the presentations so I can send letters to each of you with comments. I have been less than emphatic about grades because what really matters is the experience you have in the class and how it mirrors what you can expect in academic and professional life. 

Looking forward to hearing about your research, and hopefully to making some meaningful progress toward the completion of your written thesis through this endeavor. See you in the morning.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blue line online

Hi all

Please go to the class website where you can find the pdf of the publication as it currently exists.  Please proofread your own piece for any changes, typos problems.  Please do this carefully and with diligence as the mistakes after this will be there forever.  Tom and I will also give it a once over. 

Please get to Kristen by 1 PM on tomorrow, August 5, with any changes.

Thanks! ~g

Barbara Kruger

Presentation guidelines for Friday

I discussed in some detail what I expect for Friday's presentations, and so have been loathe to re-write those remarks for the blog. But I did want to point to the Southeastern College Art Conference's handy Crimes and Misdemeanors tip sheet for collegial behavior.

We are still looking for a room in Terra in the even that internet access is unavailable, but I strongly suggest that you put your presentation on your computer (not use an online application) or site to present. Our only order of business Friday will be our presentations - we finsihed the round up last week.

There is one thing I want to stress out my comments Friday - that this week's presentation has the possibility of putting you fully 1/2 way to completing your thesis writing. I would encourage you to regard this as a serious chance to make progress toward that goal, either by synthesizing work you've done in previous papers or by breaking new ground you wanted to get to. In either case, it could be useful to indicate (briefly) in your presentation where you have yet to go in your research. My plan is to write each of you a detailed letter on the summer's work and offer suggestions for the fall. It would be good to know what you have in mind as a direction so I don't merely repeat what you already know or send you on a wild goose chase.

I'm sure I'll have an opportunity to say this again, but just in case we get too busy, I want to thank you all for an exciting summer you were each thoughtfully engaged in the seminar despite a grueling studio schedule and rose to the obligation of challenging one another in discussion. The compressed summer scheuld makes it difficult to run a seminar, but I looked forward to our every meeting and enjoyed them greatly.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Curators putting a new spotlight - on themselves

Here is an article in the NY Times about the small Eakins show at the PMA.  Karen Rosenberg reviews the show (which I saw and would recommend), comments on the many shows that feature curatorial strategies, especially x-rays, and talks about the history of the piece.

Exit Through The Gift Shop

This is a review of the movie I mentioned in class a while ago. The big critical debate around this movie is whether or not the whole story is a hoax.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

No Internet Reminder

Hi All,

Just wanted to remind everyone that on August 6th, the day of our presentations, that Anderson will not have internet service...

Just in case you want another blog to follow.

I don't keep up with the Art 21 resources as much as I should; however, I think this one will be easy to follow.  Gastro-vision is described as "food in contemporary art and visual culture." Yum!