Friday, July 2, 2010

Call for Papers, readings assignments

Hi all - thanks for an interesting discussion in class earlier today.

Here is a link to the SECAC/MACAA website, which has a call for papers on it. It is a PDF 23 pages long. I encourage you to review the panels beginning on page 11 ("Art History and Studio Sessions") as they are the ones most germane to our research. This weekend, I will also post the PDF document on the readings page of the class website. Do not freak out over the final assignment yet. There will be a time for freaking out, but it's later. For now, get a sense of for which of these you might be a reasonable applicant, and we'll discuss our next move on Wednesday after presentations.

Here is a list of who is responsible for what at our regular Friday AM Criticism Round-up:
Local Beat (Philadelphia Inquirer, Weekly and City Paper): Michele and Christine
ArtBlog: Renee Jessica and Lauren
New York Times: Andy
The New Yorker: Matt
The Chicago Tribune: Sean
Here is the lis of who is presenting on what publication
Andy - American Craft
Lauren - Bomb
Matt - Leonardo
Renee - AfterImage
Jessica - American Ceramics
Christine - Ceramics Monthly
Sean - Flash Art
Michele - New American Painting
Just a hint about these presentations - think of it as a teaching moment. Something that will help me write a recommendation on your behalf later. You may wish to use handouts or other construct your presentation with this in mind.

Finally, my place is at 9. N. 9th St., Apt. #203. See you at 6pm on Wednesday, July 7.

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