Saturday, July 24, 2010

Review: Vox VI
Worth reading. Who has seen this? I've been meaning to get there.

Also by Roberta Fallon in a recent Philadelphia Weekly: Review of our friend Tim Ead's show at FLUX Space.


  1. I haven't seen the show. In your opinion, what made this review "worth reading"? Just curious.

  2. Comma splice in the first paragraph.

  3. Worth (us) reading because
    1. It's a critical assessment of possible trends within a large group of local emerging artists. She made several notes about the well-crafted nature of the work shown... I'm curious if there was an opposite observation made in the past.

    2. I like this sentence:"The show’s humanist focus, fractured narratives and 'damn the torpedoes' ambiance aren’t new."

    3. For you ceramicists: "There’s a surprising amount of clay in the show, and the artists handle it like clay has always belonged in the big leagues—the content here is not the usual kitsch, but conceptual, unexpected and beautiful. Nicole De Brabandere’s small objects in a glass vitrine are nonfunctional, but look like Baroque sex toys. Katelyn Greth’s soulful “Dog Boy” and “Sheep Boy” ride a sad “Animals R Us” edge. Janet Macpherson’s altered cast clay figurines play with our love of collectibles. Lauren Dombrowiak’s Brancusi-esque cityscape of stacked plates and cups is perfect domestic machismo—I wonder why I haven’t seen anything like it before."
    It seems like ceramics is becoming a big part of Philadelphia art (yes?). The Dirt on Delight, the Clay Studio, and NSECA have made me think more about ceramics in the last year or so. Roberta Fallon seeing that in the new artist zone and writing about it seems like a good thing.

    4. The comma splice in the first paragraph.

    Sorry this is long.

  4. I meant to say: "The Dirt on Delight show".
